Presentation :

HAG is a Html Album Generator program written in Java. it is provided with a graphical interface. it allows to select the directory where the pictures are, the number of pictures that will be displayed in one page (nb of columns and nb of lines), the title and a comment for each picture.
The program generates thumbnails which size is computed according to the number of column. A web page is created for each picture and allows to go to the previous one, the next one, go back to album page and it resizes the pictures according to the screen resolution (using javascript).

How to Launch HAG :

In order to launch HAG, the Java Runtime Environment must be installed on your computer. If it isn't, get it there :
If your computer runs a Windows os, the best way of starting HAG is by launching the file called HagWinLauncher.exe.
There is an other way : typing the following command : java gui.GuiStarter

How to create an Album :

The goal of HAG is to allow you to create an HTML album, as quickly and simply as possible. You just have to select the directory where pictures are and press the 'Make it' button. Of course, it allows too, to personalize the creation.
This is the Graphical user interface :

There are three different ways of selecting your directory :
  • Enter its address in the field 'input directory'
  • Use the button to call the 'file chooser' interface
  • Drag your folder on the Hag windows and drop it

In the 'Option' panel, you can specify
  • A title for your album (default : Name of the directory)
  • Number of pictures per line
  • Number of lines per page
  • If each picture has to be legended

Now, the creation process can be started. Press the 'Make it' button and wait to the progress bar to be finished :

Once the task done, this windows disappears
You can now join a comment to each picture. To do that, Go to the Option menu and select comment . The following window appears

Once the comment window is closed, the album is updated with the comments you typed. These comments are now saved and you can reedit them when you want.
You can see now your album by pressing the 'View it' button.

Here is a shot of an album made with HAG :

You can now create your own album and share it on the internet. That's pretty easy isn't it ?